Logo HaDivadlo

We support

Since the 46th season, HaDivadlo has become a meeting venue for non-profit organizations, citizen collectives, both local and national. We present their activities in home care, the humanitarian sector, education, research or activism using free forms and such events can serve as an opportunity to draw attention to current critical situations as well as permanent marginal issues not only in the Czech Republic, but also elsewhere.

“When solidarity disappears, the bonds between people disappear. When the bonds disappear, there is nothing to construct a common meaning against the background.” — Season 43 Manifesto: Eternal Return — Crisis of the Future

(Czech) Říjen 2024 – Leden 2025

(Czech) Květen 2024 – Září 2024

(Czech) Listopad 2023 – Duben 2024

(Czech) Květen 2023 – Říjen 2023

(Czech) Prosinec 2022 – Duben 2023

(Czech) Březen 2022 – Listopad 2022

(Czech) Leden 2022 – Únor 2022

(Czech) Září 2021 – Prosinec 2021

Thank you for your support and cooperation