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Progressive Dramaturgy Theatre
Season 49: The End of Illusions



14 June     19.30
next to last performance
15 June     19.30
last performance

“Can you hear what you’re saying?”

A family on a Sunday. There’s a discussion after lunch. Three generations. The mother – a teacher and a former dissident (the father is absent), her daughter with her husband – both work in the family business specialised in the installation of solar panels, and the younger daughter – a climate protester (she’s seen a psychologist a few times).

The battle lines are drawn within an environmental discourse. Family conversations as today’s battlefield of climate crisis. Tea anyone? Catalogues of media previews. The outside world in our intimate environments. (Is it possible to separate the internal from the external?) How to be an effective subject of change? What defines a hysterical reaction, and who determines the boundaries of what a “healthy” reaction is? Is it at all possible to make changes in society in a “cultivated” way? Isn’t any protest an illness in the perspective of everyday life? Hysteria versus passivity.

A study of dialogue. The awakening of collective consciousness. See the future. Let the vegetation grow organically over recurring disputes!

Season 45: Resources

(Czech) Tvůrčí intervence PROGRAMME IN PDF POSTER IN JPG (Czech) Text pdf (Czech) Reflexe v CEDITu 03
31 January 2020
Ticket prices
CZK 320/220
70 min. without an interval
Ivan Buraj, Pavel Sterec and Bohdan Karásek
Ivan Buraj
Matěj Nytra
Set designer
Pavel Sterec
Expert consultant
Matěj Metelec
Assistant director
Anna Magdalena Pavlicová


(Czech) Informace pro lidi na vozíku

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