Logo HaDivadlo

Progressive Dramaturgy Theatre
Season 49: The End of Illusions

Creative Interventions – Season 47: Degrowth

Season 47: Degrowth

Let us focus on degrowth! A series of unique programmes accompanying our current repertoire brings a fresh perspective on what theatre is capable of and its functions. Together with show creators, the HaDivadlo ensemble and our friends, we explore layers of new and unexpected show contexts that we are returning to after a long lockdown break. Creative interventions enable us to focus on show procedurality and backstage creation, theatre community dimensions and exploring ways of broadening audience experience.

We see art as an ability to have a lively perspective on reality and we want to dedicate this season to developing this ability by re-exploring things that might seem resolved and familiar. We will reconstruct and share inspiration that accompanied our creation, but also experiment with placing our works into entirely new situations. There will be lectures on quantum physics, history of literature, special editions of performances with authorial interventions in fixed show structures, home theater that can take place in your home, an emotions management workshop for children or utopian future imagination in the dark, during which you will not be sitting but lying. Audiences will also have the opportunity to attend a first read-through for audiences during which they will become actors, and many other events. Some creative interventions will be part of evening performances, other interventions will be an autonomous programme based on our recent effort to show the meaning of our work.

We transform original forms into constantly new and surprising ones. Instead of permanently producing something new, this season, we want to knowingly stop and deepen our view of reality around us.

Creative interventions in the second half of the 47th season are organized in blocks around the shows we study. We want our creative work to be joyful, risky, cost-saving and sincerely exploratory. Come and join us in (de)growth!

(Czech) Sezonní manifest


10.–12. ledna 2022
Naši – Studie rozhovoru o klimatické krizi

18.–23. ledna 2022
HaDivadlo v Alfa pasáži

28. ledna – 1. února 2022
Indián v ohrožení

13.–14. února 2022
Náměsíčníci (imitace a tušení)

20.–27. února 2022

25.–28. března 2022

24. dubna 2022

22.–25. května 2022

28.–30. května 2022

Rozšiřování diváckého zážitku

Průzkum diváckých zážitků

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