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Progressive Dramaturgy Theatre
Season 49: The End of Illusions


(Czech) „Naše zahlazení bude stejně dokonalé.“

We have to be perfect. Precise. In time. With nothing more. We mustn´t wait for anything. We have to be efficient – and perfect. Immediately of course. (Why is there so little time for everything?) However, our happiness is a bit paradoxical. Framed by the spirit of the Holy Trinity, which is a mark, wrapping and right publicity. For image, activity and unrelenting satisfaction. One of this period´s phenomenon told with a detached view, humour and bitter irony. The original play by the original playwright S.d.Ch. presents grotesque-mysterious commentary on our remarkable presence where perfection is represented by a woman. A woman whose life takes place in a horizontal position. The frame of the scenic essay is completed with Mario Buzzi´s songs that are based on prompt reflections of the philosopher and sociologist Gilles Lipovetsky.

S. d. Ch. (1970)
Writer. Playwright. Puppeteer. Author of radio plays and the collage cartoon Varlen. Lyricist, composer, guitarist and front man of the band called Ruce naší Dory (Our Dora´s Hands). In his own words he is the author with optics set in a certain strangely esoteric-civilistic and absolutistic mode. He layers his commentaries on artistic, intellectual and spiritual states of the world in all creative forms. He has received two Alfred Radok Prizes for original theatre plays, 2012 (Still life in Slovan) and 2013 (Spiritual death in Venezia).

Barbara Herz (1983)
She was born in Prague. She completed comparative studies and theatre studies at the Faculty of Arts at Charles University and directing at the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts where she is studing a PhD programme at the moment. In 2013 she founded the theatre platform called dok.trin. Together with Martin Sládeček, she created the productions Svět včerejška (The World of Yesterday) and Antigone vzletem sokolím (Antigone by Falcon´s Flight), Zpráva o zázraku (Josef Toufar) – Report about the Miracle (Josef Toufar). She cooperated with the Theatre in Dlouhá (Illies: 1913. Scénický kalendář o počátku moderní doby/1913. A scenic Calendar about the Beginning of the Modern Times), National Theatre Brno (S.d.Ch. Duchovní smrt v Benátkách/Spiritual Death in Venezia, Vyrypajev: Iluze/Illusions), Theatre Goose on a String (Fischerová: Dvanáct způsobů zmizení/Twelve Ways of Disparition, Maška: Golem).

(Czech) 26. dubna 2016
Last performance
(Czech) 14. června 2017
80 min. without an interval
Barbara Herz / DOK. TRIN
(Czech) Dramaturgie
(Czech) Jakub Liška
(Czech) Výprava
(Czech) Kateřina Marai
(Czech) Hudba
(Czech) Mario Buzzi
(Czech) Derniéra
(Czech) 14. června 2017


Thank you for your support and cooperation

HaDivadlo, theatre of the Centre for Experimental Theatre, p. o. — Alfa pasáž, Poštovská 8d, 602 00 Brno —, +420 530 330 869 — The Box Office is open from Monday to Friday between 10am and 6pm and always 1 hour before the start of a performance.

The Centre for Experimental Theatre, příspěvková organizace (subsidized organization), receives financial support from the Statutory city of Brno. — Projects are created with the financial support of the South Moravian region. — Shows are performed with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic. Tickets are available online at — Do you know our Facebook group HaDi friends?