“It could be that a momentous history began at the station in the city of Brünn...”
Arnošt Goldflam, director, playwright and long-time member of HaDivadlo, is once again back among his own people! Goldflam’s sarcastic comedy depicts the greatest criminal the world has known, beginning with his rise from failure in his exams at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts and culminating not with his downfall, but with an ironic imaginary escape to South America. Contrary to expectations, the individual scenes from the life of the Führer do not take place in meeting rooms or crowded halls, but in private. The scenes from ‘Hitler’s Kitchen’ are full of grotesque and liberating humour, exaggeration and imaginative situations, which playfully combine fragments of reality with the author’s ironic imagination. It has become a legendary HaDivadlo production, in which the unmistakable Petr Jeništa excels in the leading role.
PROGRAMME IN PDF10 November 2007
CZK 460/340
80 min. without an interval
Arnošt Goldflam
HaDivadlo collective
Luboš Balák
Marián Amsler and Luboš Balák
Kateřina Kumhalová
Karel Hanák Fláva
Miroslav Kumhala
Petr Jeništa guest
Magdalena Kuntová /
Táňa Malíková guest
Jiří Miroslav Valůšek /
Jan Lepšík guest
Jáchym Sůra /
Zbyšek Humpolec guest
Radim Chyba /
Jiří Svoboda guest
Sara Venclovská /
Kamila Valůšková guest
Hubert Švanda guest
Effects in the show
Information for wheelchair users
Two wheelchair user seats are available for the production.If you are a wheelchair user, please inform our box-office attendant when purchasing your ticket and arrive to the theatre at least 20 min. before the start of the show. Information on your visit will help us arrange ushers’ assistance or equipment for your maximum comfort.